Sunday 31 August 2014

Plans ahead

We have planned to meet up as a group and start to edit our Saw sweded film. We have also made plans to film our final scene, intro and credits on Tuesday as well meaningout Sweded film should be completed by Thursday which is our deadline as we go into sixth form on that day.

Tuesday 26 August 2014


I have made a small list of cast that have helped to make our film or the role in which they played in it. We will show these at the end of our film as our credits as well as our Saw logo as our intro to give structure to our sweded film.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Theme song

Using Audacity and a Microsoft standard microphone, Harley and Adam created the theme of Saw using only their voices. 

This is the link to the theme is below: 

Bathroom scenes finished

We have now finished all scenes in the bathroom and are currently starting to record our theme song and prepare for our 'reverse bear trap' scene featuring Billy the Puppet and Amanda Young played by myself.

Zap character

Due to one of our groups absence we no longer had a character to play Zap. A solution we came to was to use a friend to play the character. We got Tom Grand to play the character as he is taking A-Level drama. This characters role was very short and due to Adam's (Dr. Lawerance Gordon's) absence, we had to make sure that he wasn't in shot but could be included in the later scene when editing all of our shots together.

His clothes consisted of a dressing gown on top of a hoodie to form a cloak.

Day 2 filming

We did more filming with the bathroom scenes today including the scene where Dr Lawrence Gordon saws off his foot. For this we made our own fake blood; this included flour, red food colouring, soy sauce and honey. This worked well on camera as it gave it a good consistency however wasn't very pigmented and was very transparent. We also used jelly to form the basis of the wound for John kramer's head. John Kramer consisted of a structure of towels and clothes to form a dummy in our set. This would be easier as then one person wouldn't have to lie on the floor and remain position until his role was placed in the major plot twist at the ending.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Day 1 of filming video

We breifly recorded a video of our day 1 of filming expirerance and uploaded it unlisted into You Tube. In the video we have Adam mainly speaking with a small imput of Aidan whilst I film. This link below will take you straight to the video.