Friday 2 January 2015

Production Plan

To be more organised within out group, we made a production plan consisting of what job each member of our group aims to do and when they need to achieve it. We plan to add to this list later throughout production.

Lilly SS
Before filming on the Friday 2nd.
Make sure camera is charged, enough storage on cards, organise actors and producers so that everyone is present at the right time.
Before and on the day of filming.
Communication between whom it may concern.
Any unneeded material on cameras or storage.
Be efficient.  
Lily P
Find props and suitable location
E.g. Fake cigarettes, make fake blood, ect
Before filming.
Looking up online and seeing what props we have already between groups.
Bring second camera and tri-pod.
Assist in the setting up and shooting of the shots.
Day of filming.
Communication between whom it may concern.
Any unneeded material on cameras or storage.
Be efficient.  
“                       “
Film and work together; ensuring that communication and errors in each other’s work is improve and evaluated
Day of filming and beforehand.
Refer back to the storyboard.
Use good communication between group members and share ideas.

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